Distinguished Features of Viber Application The app offers you to make free international calls, send text messages, interact on video calls, and create groups with people in your contact list. Owned by Japanese multinational company Rakuten, Viber has over 1 billion users and an endless range of features like GIFs, stickers, doodle messages and many more. The app helps you in calling anywhere around the world with just a data plan or a Wi-Fi connection. Viber is a secure messaging and calling app which makes your texting experience steady. And with many secret texting applications emerging to stand out, we have an app for you that thinks out of the box while making your texts and calls secure, Viber. Staying constantly in touch and keeping personal messages a secret is highly acknowledged.

Various companies try to bridge the gap between individuals and their loved ones who live far away from each other by using different and innovative calling and messaging applications but that’s not always enough. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship but interacting is not always feasible which makes things a little complicated.